Sunday, June 7, 2015

Focus- Being still to KNOW He is God.

"Be still and know that I am God."- Psalm 46:10

This is a great verse that is hugely overlooked.  How often do we make the time to truly sit, be quiet, clear our minds and thoughts, and really KNOW He is God.

Silence seems to scare us these days.  We feel as if we are wasting time, not being productive enough.  It even can feel awkward.  Yet that is the whole point!  We must Stop!  Be still.  Wait.  Let the Lord Almighty show up in our life and speak to us in that sweet, still, small voice that we have seemed to have forgotten.

Let us take some time to focus our minds and truly dwell on the thought that He is God.  Think about who He is, what He has done, what He is doing, and then thank Him for it.

Is it possible our state of mind and attitude could change for the better if we do this?  Could our perspective of life and our current situation get better?  Could we find some hope in the fact that he is God and is in control?

Only one way to find out.  And, really- what do we have to lose if not maybe 5 minutes of our day?

Let's try it:

Be Still- Know that He is God...............