Of course there wasn't anything, so it was back in the car to drive a little further.
After about 20 minutes of more driving, we found a little ramp out to the gulf where we could see if there was anything worth trying. By now, poor Caleb could hardly stand it and had gotten his hopes up maybe a little too much.
At that we decided to go to a little mexican restaurant we had found on the way up instead.
Caleb got a taco, two enchiladas, and beans, while I had myself a classic taco salad.
Of course, after eating mexican food and realizing the day was going to end with no surfing, Caleb became a little distraught.
And so ended our day with full bloated stomachs and an ice cold, flat beach with no surf to show for it. Oh well...fun times are made with the people you appreciate, not necessarily doing what you would have wanted to do. That's just the icing on the cake, I suppose.
You guys are so funny. Sorry about the waves. Glad about the cheap Mexican restaurant. There's nothing like a little Mexi food to lift your spirit.
ReplyDeleteMiss you guys
This posting thing is fun except it is 4:15 and not 1:12. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteSorry you didn't find surf, however that is what fishing is for; days when there is no surf!