Monday, March 5, 2012

A King without a Kingdom? Or a Kingdom without a King?

The week on the Kingdom of God was epic.  I mean literally-EPIC!  Here's what I mean...

All growing up and even adults now in Christian Culture (which needs Jesus as much as any other culture, if you ask me), have been taught "Get saved or you are going to hell."  You must "Get saved from your sins."  Ok, yeah.  I'll get saved, then I'll go back and party, go too far with my girlfriend, or whatever else I was doing before.

"Oh, no!" comes along the church.  "Now, that you are saved, you have given your life away!"  You have to do all of these rules, regulations and rituals to "stay on the right path."  Jesus loves you so much he died for you so you can have these lists to follow to get to heaven.  But, if you mess it up, you will have to go down and get saved again.  (This analogy is a little extreme on what some people actually say, but the mentality, on some level is still there.)

So, people get saved...then they go to church.  Church for most of them happens once per week.  They repent of their weekly sins, get sanctified, sing to God, pray to God, greet each other with a "holy hug in the Name of the Lord," then leave to overeat with extended family that they really can't even stand to be around.  (Again, a little extreme.  But, you can catch the point I'm trying to make.)

Monday comes around and we're right back into our daily routine, usually not even thinking about anything that happened on Sunday(usually because nothing DID happen on Sunday- at least nothing of great importance or significance).

Is this the "Christian Life" we are all trying to "scare" or convert people into?  I hope not.  I'm not buying that that is best way to live.  After all, Jesus said, "He came that we might have and enjoy life in abundance, to the full, till it overflows." (John 10:10)

The Kingdom of God is the subject most talked about by Jesus in the four gospels.  The Kingdom is NOT the church (as in the building or a certain body of believers that gather at a particular time at a particular place).  That kind of church is a part of the Kingdom.  Yet, so are all the other elements of society- Education, Science, Technology, Business, Art, Media, Sports, Government, Family, etc. The Kingdom is God's people (the global church).  As we fall more and more in love with Him on a daily basis, we tell others the good news.  The good news NOT that they get to go to heaven, but that they are invited to be a part of a Kingdom and live with the King Himself!

Our King loves His children and wants every single person to come eat with Him at His table, fellowship in His hall, dance with Him on the dance floor, sing with Him in His theater, and to honor hug Him in His throne room.

This King also invites us to fight for his Kingdom.  He wants to "Knight" us into His courts and share with us the honor of fighting alongside Him for His glory.

We have an enemy, and he is alive and well.  Satan and his demons are out to destroy the Kingdom.  They are seeking to take down and destroy as many of God's people as possible.  They are even trying to build strongholds in the minds of so many people of the church, and have succeeded.

I say all of this in hopes of us realizing that God has called us to be involved in an incredible story, of romance, battle, honor and glory!  We love all of the great epic tales because it stirs something up inside of us.  From The Lion King, to the Matrix, to the Lord of the Rings, to Star Wars, to Braveheart, to Indiana Jones, etc.  All of these stories have adventure, romance, excitement, a sense of good vs. evil and we all cheer in the end because in some way, the world is how it should be.

The stories are a reflection of what is real!  We are in a battle, a part of a kingdom, in a romance with the King Himself who rules in love, mercy, grace and justice!  And He calls us to guide us in our own adventure!  The Christian life is anything but boring.  It is hard, tiresome, dirty, painful and sometimes just plain aggravating.  But, we are not called to sit in church on Sundays to fall asleep, and Monday to live like we are zombies going through the daily routine.

He came that we may have life!  Live, Bride of Christ!  Live for the glory of God.  Fall more and more in love with the King everyday and know that you are part of a Kingdom that will never fade away, and it will stand in righteousness, honor and glory for all eternity.  Rise up and fight for the Kingdom, church.  It is worth fighting for!

So, are you doing what all the other Christians are doing?  Are you part of a Kingdom without a King? Or are you serving God just to get something out of it without blessing Him in return?  Are you making Him a King without a Kingdom?  Either way, I hope not!  I serve a King who rules over the greatest Kingdom the world has ever known!  Will you accept the invitation to join the Kingdom and serve Him?

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