Sunday, April 29, 2012

Update from Bangkok, Thailand

Dear friends, family and supporters!

First off I want to say I am so sorry for not updating sooner.  WE have seen the Lord moving in so many ways and it has been hard to find the time to really sit down and update what the Lord has been doing here.  I haven't been able to catch up with my own family for about three weeks!

We saw amazing ministry in Kuala Lumpur and Penang, Malaysia.  The first weekend we saw 100 people come to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.  We were able to minister to about 300 elementary age Myanmar refugee children and thirteen refugees ages 16-20, one of which we were able to lead to Christ.

In Penang, we saw 2 middle school children and 6-8 high schoolers receive Jesus through our performances.  We also crossed paths wtih the World Race through AIM and were able to have an amazing night of prayer, worship and intercession.  There have been many opportunities to prepare, encourage and equip God's church in Malaysia.

Please be praying for those who we have ministered to in Malaysia that God would be faithful to water and grow the seeds planted there.  Many of the youths have great promise to be warriors and ground takers for the Kingdom and they really see it in them to continue to seek Christ and His Kingdom first.

Now, we are in Bangkok, Thailand and the spiritual warfare is very heavy here.  We are pressing through with many headaches and weak bodies as we have been prayer walking through the streets.  One night we visited a night market next to a brothel in the red light district and without the proper prayer and spiritual prep beforehand, I do not think we would have been able to stay very long.  But, praise the Lord, we were able to sing through the streets, proclaiming the goodness of God and the demonic presence began to decrease the longer were there.

There people here in Bangkok are very joyful and happy on the outside, but you can see the spiritual oppression through their smiling faces on the inside.  Please be praying that we can remain strong as a team.

The Lord revealed to one of our directors a strategy that the enemy uses as she was studying Ezra (Which is the same book that several of the students, including myself, have been going through, as well).  We have passed two tests that the enemy will try to put us through as a team.  The first test was deception.  Through many of the churches in Malaysia we encountered people saying one thing, then doing another.  The second test was discouragement.  Many people on our team started getting lies into their head about rejection and began to feel ill equipped to carry on in their roles within the team.  The third test we must be ready to face is slander.  We have encountered this test before in our lecture phase, and experienced victory.  However, we believe that it will happen again.  We putting on the armor of God and believing the best about each other.  Please be in prayer as each attack seems to get worse than the one before.

WE are so excited to see what God is going to be doing through us in Thailand!  We are going to be leaving Monday morning for central Thailand where we will be based for the last three weeks of outreach.  Please be praying for safety and that we will remain culturally aware and relevant.  Being westerners, sometimes we can get a little LOUD for the asian culture.

Thank you all for your support!  One last thing we need to be praying for is that some of our outreach ground fees are not in.  Overall the school has about $5,000 left to bring in.  I have about $2,000 of that left.  We are all believing God that provision will be made.  Any support that you can give to help would be greatly appreciated.  I will try to upload some videos so that you can see some of the amazing land of Malaysia and Thailand.  Thank you all again!  I am praying the Lord will bless you richly as you continue to pray and support God's mission here in southeast Asia!